Hallelu Dance Company was founded in 2007 by Mrs. Chaya Shlomo, who recognized the need to develop the art of dance within the religious and Haredi community in Israel, at a highly professional level while maintaining the Jewish spirit.
The company is comprised of dancers from well known and professional dance companies and conservatories in Israel and abroad: Bat Sheva, The Israeli Ballet, Kolban Dance, and The Jerusalem Dance Theatre among others. All of the dancers are Ba'alei Teshuva (come from a non-
religious background and have become religious), and searched for a place to dance, create and perform while being connected to authentic Judaism inside the framework and boundaries of Jewish law during their path of becoming religious, they learnt the language and symbols of the religious orthodox society, especially the sensitivity and deepness that it holds, and have found a way to relate the dance with the Jewish tradition and heritage through using also Jewish music, Jewish texts, costumes, and movements.
Hallelu dance company is making her way into breaking the barriers of dance in the religious society, with sensitivity to the needs and limits of this community.
The company is asking to hand over spiritual and biblical issues that belong to the Jewish religious women,
The dancers wish to create a deep connection between dance and their obligation to religious traditions.